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San Jacinto College
Central, North and South Campuses

This two-year project involved a complete replacement of all existing exterior/interior building and wayfinding signage for this rapidly expanding community college system. Spread over 1,500 total acres, these three campuses have a total student and faculty population of 40,000 making their way around 55 buildings to thousands of classrooms and offices.

Over six-thousand signs had to be located and catalogued prior to the final design and replacement phases. Coordination of all existing sign removals, wall and site repairs as well as placement of temporary signs were part of the six month programming phase. All buildings and rooms were re-numbered for more effective wayfinding. The new custom sign system is designed around standardized modular components, such as support poles, sign faces and maps, that are easily changed or updated. Secondary signage such as accessible, visitor and restricted parking signs were changed to match the new graphics standard.

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